July 27, 2014

Diet with IBD

Although doctors believe diet does not play a factor in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Below are some factors for consideration for patients with IBD. Especially during flare ups.

1. Electrolyte to supplement the nutrients lost and dehydration. Could be in the form of pedialyte, soup, juice, salt water.

2. Eat food with less sugar and flatulence inducing food such as fermented foods, soybean, sweet potatoes, radish, pumpkin, beans etc.

3. Food hygiene is especially important for patients with colitis due to their weak health and immunity. Avoid eating raw, cold, hard food. Stay away from liquor, spicy, and anything that may aggregate the stomach.

4. A low fiber, low fat diet can be beneficial for an inflamed intestinal wall. However this should not be over done as fiber is not digestible and can promote bowel movements. Cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, stewing, braised is advised. Food with fiber such as leeks, celery, bean sprouts, onion, etc should be limited.

5. Pay attention to protein and vitamin intake. Some excellent protein source include fish, eggs, soy. Patients during flare up should follow a low residue, soft food diet to sooth the irritated digestive tracts.

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