September 13, 2014


What kind of snacks can I eat? Here are some suggestions.

Ripe Banana: They are an excellent source of nutrients that are easy on the stomach and filling at the same time. (unripe green bananas are mucus forming)

Banana contains high amounts of potassium, soluble fibre, Vitamin C, B6. The amount of soluble fibre may help reduce bloating and regulate digestive symptoms. The starch and fibre will help bind waste to help with elimination while potassium will balance water levels in the gut.

Because the banana has a relatively high amount of sugar and carbs they provide an excellent energy booster that can improve the mood as well. Caution should be taken for those who are diabetic  because of the sugar content. They can be eaten combined with a protein source such as oatmeal or nut butter to slow down the absorption of the carbs.

This delicious and healthy fruit can be easily combined in smoothies or banana bread as well as enjoyed on its own.

NOTE: Bananas are grown on trees and generally safer from rodents and are sprayed less with chemicals than other fruits.

Plantains are in the same family as Bananas and is another nutritious and delicious fruit that can be incorporated into the diet. Generally plantains need to be cooked prior. Baked plantains are incorporated in many cuisines.

Dates: Red Dates, Chinese Dates, or Jujube are excellent source for Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium. They replenishes the body with the minerals that it looses from the symptoms of colitis such as diarrhea, bloody stool.

During flare-up, dates can be boiled in water in medium heat for 30mins or until soft and skin can be easily peeled. They make for a sweet and nutritious low residual snack. The water the dates were boiled in contain nutrients and make for a sweet tea.

Avocado: An excellent source of nutrition and snack. They are high in soluble fibre, B vitamins, healthy fat and is a filling snack to have. They taste delicious seasoned with a bit of salt, pepper and lemon juice.

Baked Sweet Potato: High in Vitamin A, C, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium and soluble fibre, this is another excellent nutrient dense snack to have. They are easily to digest when baked with skin removed making for a sweet treat.

Greek Yogurt: High in protein and if you are lactose sensitive you may still be able to tolerate some greek yogurt. It is a dairy product and should be eaten with moderation during flare-ups.

Hummus: Made from chickpeas or other beans blended with flavouring, hummus is packed with iron and nutrients that could make an excellent snack. Beans derivative products can cause gas and should be consumed in moderation.

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