November 8, 2016

Bone Health

Many people with IBD end up developing joint pain. One common reason is due to the corticosteroid drug prednisone which can lead to early onset of osteoporosis. It is recommended to seek a health care practitioner and get a Bone Marrow Density test or a Dual X-ray Absorptiometry test for prolonged use of prednisone.

Here are some nutritional recommendations to support bone health
  1. Limit acid forming food (Acid-Alkaline balance)
    • 80% of food from non-animal sources
  2. Ca:Mg ratio 2:1 (Calcium citrate)
    • Calcium: nuts and seeds, greens, cruciferous vegetables, soy beans, tahini, etc
    • Magnesium: sea vegetables, spirulina, legumes, nuts and seeds
  3. Vitamin D - inhibits cytokines, anti-inflammatory
    • ex. sardines, fatty fish w/ bone, sheep wool
  4. Vitamin K - mobilize and dissolve calcium
    • osteocalcin (K1: greens, K2: intestinal bacteria)
  5. Silicon: strengthens connective tissues
  6. Boron: increase blood estrogen and increase testosterone (ex. apples, beets, peaches, pear, etc)
  7. Phyto estrogens: organic soy, natty, tempeh, miso, tofu
  8. Omega3 (DHA: enhances mineral absorption, inhibits cytokines)
  9. Nettle Tea (Ca, Silica, Vitamin C, Vitamin K)

Factors that contribute to bone density loss
  1. Low estrogen in women (especially during menopause)
  2. Low testosterone in men
  3. Thyroid and parathyroid hormones imbalance (calciton lowers blood calcium, PTH increases blood calcium)
  4. High acidic diet - pH balance
  5. Not enough Vitamin D for calcium absorption
  6. Drug treatment (diuretics, blood thinners, corticosteroids, etc)
  7. Smoking - promote inflammatory cytokines
  8. Caffeine - diuretic
  9. Alcohol, pop - high phosphorus 
  10. Sugar - provides energy but robs minerals
  11. Family history
  12. Lack of exercise - weight bearing exercises, walking
  13. Stress - shuts down digestion

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